If what is constant isn’t conscious. Let’s bring the constant back into your consciousness. Most of us are on some sort of subconscious script, loop, or routine. Try this small exercise because if POWER is the ability to make change, then you can empower yourself by making simple changes to your scripts, loops, and routines.

What does this look like? Here are a few considerations to start with using the THREE LENSES from the Journal Journey Course for Premium members:
- Lens 1: External - the things outside of you. You can experience it with your senses. People, places, things, relationships, etc...
- Lens 2: Internal - Your emotions, internal health, and inner voice, intuition, and subconscious programming.
- Lens 3: Trivial - Your choices. We all use toothpaste, but what brand do you choose? You are making choices when you get dressed or choose a brand, so what does that say about you?Â

Lens 1:
Take note of your external routines. Whether it’s your morning routine or your route to work. There is a script you are living, and there are things you can change within that script. Make new choices from a higher and more conscious state of mind.
Maybe you have a workout program and keep focusing on the front of your body, then focus on the back. For a week, work on flexibility more than cardio or strength training.Â
Do you say the same things to the same people at work? So many places I’ve gone have characters that have catch phrases they say on autopilot. Take note, and do you have your own catch phrases?
When you get busy, what are your defaults to blow people off, or get out of or back to work?

Lens 2
You have emotional or internal triggers that you may not be aware of. I make sure to tune into two main moments in life, and if you have ever worked with me, you know that I feel that these are your two most authentic moments.
When you are lying in bed at night and when you wake up in the morning.
- How do you feel?
- Are you OK with that?
- Can you make a change if you want to?

Lens 3
You have loops with your trivial choices.
You can tell a lot about someone by their trivial choices. Do you have your “brands?” I use organic dish soap that is good for plants what about you?
What do your choices say about you?
Your clothes, your cleaning products, your haircut, your your music choices.
Are you aware of them?Â
Also, are your trivial choices aligned and attuned with your values?
How many people right now are flying around on airplanes drinking bottled water and wearing polyester yoga pants that have strong opinions about foreign oil?