Think about some of the best advice you’ve ever received

Was it from a teacher? A neighbor? A partner? A friend?

When you put yourself in the position to take your own advice, treat yourself how the person you most respected treated you.

I have become friends with many of my heroes as well as many of my friends have become personal heroes.

A profound moment in my life was meeting my friend Andy.

To me, he is the pinnacle of a successful person on all levels. He and I became great friends, and I learn from him minute-by-minute when we are together. Most of all, it’s not that he ever gives actual advice. It’s that he speaks to me and all others with a tone that he genuinely believes in them. He is curious and inspired by other people’s ideas and views.

So, when I model my internal dialogue, it’s around the way Andy has always treated me. With respect, with a tone that he is certain that I am capable and valuable. There is no artificial pandering; there is genuine interest and thoughtful inquiry, and he loves to champion new ideas and dig into how they can manifest into reality.

So think about how good advice lands and how you best receive it.

I’m sure it’s not preachy or judgmental or cruel. Many of us come from being trained by abusive and sadistic teachers and coaches. Even our parents can have a heavy hand sometimes. You are now in charge of finding the voice that you are willing to listen to, follow through, and execute for.

Personally, I am not one to respect authority, so I chose mentors and took my own advice of being a person who aims to embody the wisdom that is spewing from my mouth. Standing there barking orders is a very low level of communicating, only slightly above abuse and using force or fear. 

My father was in special forces, and when they had an idea and got a plan, the next three steps were: Execute, execute, and execute.

Here is your moment to do the GOOP Loop exercise in the JoJo! Just go into your premium membership into The Journal Journey [JoJo] and GOOP your brains out.
Have fun this week, and speak to yourself as if you don’t know about your past. You respect yourself, and it’s obvious you can begin the process and learn along the way.
Word up.

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"Can you take your own advice?"