You are on a wellness path, and a lot of people quit because they are focusing on goals and "the fruit" of their efforts, but staying motivated is like thinking a honeymoon will last forever. Do you have a system?
In most of life, systems beat motivation. Just try this: Get pumped up and motivated, then try and beat a chess master or play basketball with Michael Jordan. No matter how emotionally driven you are, they will systematically and effortlessly win.Â
Motivation will fade in and out, but you can always follow a system.Â
Fun fact: Personally, I am not athletic and do not enjoy exercise or stretching. So, 40+ years ago, I started learning forms and systems. Therefore, whether I'm motivated or not, I do not use force, I just use a system.Â
So, leverage this initial inspired energy to start developing and learning systems. For example, begin a relationship with good communication right from the start. Or make sure the soil is healthy before you plant the seeds. Then, your garden can grow. This is what I love to share with people.Â

So step 2 is Building the structure and foundation
However, you are not building from scratch; you are remodeling.
So first, make space. Do you have a full schedule you are unaware of because you are on autopilot? Can you empower yourself to make changes and free up some time?
Clean your space, your body, your gut, and your car, get a haircut, clean up your schedule, and clean or clear up anything else you can think of. Cleaning is a part of making space, purifying, and clearing old stuck energy.
Every place I move into, even if it's clean, I clean it again. I even use clean cleaning products. Cleaning products aren't clean if they smell like chemicals or some weird perfumey fragrance. They're toxic. You may like them; I'm not here to judge, but those smells are red flags for me. One thing at a time, though. It's about habits, choices, and patience.

Make sure you clear out your mind, too. After you make space, take a little time to sit and be present and calm. Appreciate the space you made. It’s a big deal. Many people are in two loops: either overwhelmed or constant “busy work.”
Hydrate and remind yourself to stay in this clarity. You want to be well.

Starting new
When I was a chef, the rule was to always clean your cutting board and your station before starting a new dish; otherwise, your dessert might taste like onions.
Be patient. Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast. You are now connecting with nature because your body is nature. Imagine that if you were in a natural environment that began to change quickly, would you feel safe? Probably not.

Most of the time in nature, fast change is some form of disaster. So keep a mindful and “basics based” approach first, so your roots can grow deep. Nourish the soil; not the fruit. Keep this mantra in your head. You will be told to set specific goals, but also make sure to zoom out and set a specific goal to have good soil, then strong roots, and space for things to grow. Adding to the clutter is a way to smother and overwhelm you. Setting timelines on nature and yourself is a path to defeat, exhaustion, or knee surgery. Nature is not concerned with your vanity or good time. You are nature. There are some scientific interventions that are available, but one intervention can make more issues in the future.Â
To stay with the remodeling approach, make sure that you work from the foundation first. Good materials and skills are key. If you don’t feel comfortable with your skill yet, then hire someone that you trust. It takes a team.